About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Eugenia (pronounced Ohenya). I am from Argentina, was raised in the US, and am now a paleontologist. I received my doctorate from the American Museum of Natural History, where I studied dinosaur brain evolution. I taught for three years at Stony Brook University in the Department of Anatomical Sciences. Now I am a professor of biology at Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts.
Hola y bienvenidos! Me llamo Eugenia. Nací en Argentina, crecí en los Estados Unidos, y ahora soy una paleontóloga. Recibí mi doctorado del Museo Americano de Historia Natural, donde estudié la evolucíon del cerebro de dinosaurios. Por tres años, enseñe en la Universidad de Stony Brook en el Departamento de Ciencias Anatómicas. Ahora soy Profesora de biología en Suffolk University en Boston, Massachusetts.
Dr. Maria Eugenia Leone Gold
Assistant Professor of Biology
Suffolk University
Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History
Ph.D. Comparative Biology, 2015, Richard Gilder Graduate School, American Museum of Natural History
M.S. Geosciences, 2011, University of Iowa
B.S. Geology with Honors, 2008, University of Maryland
B.S. Biology, 2008, University of Maryland
Research Students:
Samantha DeJean '23
Kamal Moussa '22
Tatiana Vasquez '22
Blake Menyhart '22
Daniela Solis '21
Giovanna de Crespo ‘21 (Concordia College)
Maria Isabella Natale Castillo '20 (currently volunteering in the lab)
SciComm Students:
Velociraptor Project:
Eli Kaplan '23
Blake Menyhart '22
Natalie Robertson '21
Science on the Street:
Kostas Winslow '26
Chaimaa Hossaini '23
Jocelyn de Paz '22
Daniela Solis '22
In the Press
Neuroanatomy of the dodo:
American Museum of Natural History
Stony Brook
Discovery News
Washington Post
New York Times
Popular Science
GrrlScientist @Forbes
Big Picture Science (NPR)
Scope Podcast
International Business Times (UK)
La Vanguardia (Spain)
El País (Spain)
Times of India (India)
Zee News (India)
Business Standard (India)
Khaleej Times (Dubai)
Jordan Times (Jordan)